
Before I get into S.K.A.R., I must let you know that before it was S.K.A.R., it was simply "Simi's Komma". However, the creative process that went into it remains the same even with the extended content. However, I must say that I love the bad ass cover for S.K.A.R. even more than I did for "Simi's Komma".

S.K.A.R. was a bit more complex than Vocal Remedy in that I was dealing with a bunch of different characters and trying to establish different dynamics among each of the characters. Although the four locals (Hiphen, Point, Simi, and Rod) are close, the reader will pick up that some members are closer than others.

Plus, the whole narrative set up was different: a shift between an outside narrator and one of the, for all intended purposes, supplemental characters.

I also had to do a bit of research on the mannerisms of rural towns, just enough to give a glimpse into knowing what I was talking about. I did just enough to establish background, and for S.K.A.R., it was all that was required. Anything else would have been extra gunk that served no purpose in the short story.